Lent March 9 – Joy and Debilitating Pain

Ash Wednesday came and went. Friday, I got a last-minute audition. I’d set my mind to look for joy.  guess it paid off, because I got the job. I don’t want to be one of those “Hanging with Ryan Gosling, God is good” jerks. If that’s how God is good, then what about the rest of the planet? But I hadn’t worked a lot in the past five years, not as a writer or an actor – even adjunct teaching dried up…

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Lent Day 8

Lent is a bitch when it brings out the worst in you — albeit, brought out by the worst in others. I thought this summed up my thoughts better than anything else today.

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Disquiet Time

I came of age in my Christian faith during the 1980s. I grew up with faith, but in college and beyond I made it personal and active. And formulaic. Like the way everyone wore “Miami Vice” colors in the 1980s, every Christian college-age kid was encouraged to join a bible study, a church, learn how to do “friendship evangelism” and — this is the big one — have a “quiet time.” “Quiet time” sounds kinda…

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New Amish Fiction

Amish Fiction is the new Harlequin romance novel for nice ladies. I’ve seen bookstores in the midwest with entire aisles devoted to the books. I’ve been thinking on how to capitalize on it, and this book idea came to me. What do you think? 

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