My Own Private September 11

This is an older blog piece, but it’s my most vivid memory of September 11. It’s now been 12 years since that day. I almost forgot what year it had happened. As for the man I was dating: you forget the negatives. You just remember a living human being who was doing the very best he could with his life. Most of us remember what we were doing on September 11, 2001, the moment the…

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Shanah Tovah!

Today is Rosh Hashanah. Sometimes I wish there were a Lutheran-Episcopal version of the Jewish High Holy Days. Take a week to remember the past year: the good and bad that have that happened; the things you did well and poorly; the good things you failed to do… Not because if you don’t, God won’t forgive you; but because you won’t grow or learn or appreciate life. Because you won’t remember your life as it…

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Where Are You Going?

This past June I attended Don Miller’s Storyline Conference in Santa Barbara. I knew it was going to be inspiring. I didn’t know it was going to hurt. I’ve done okay as an actor and writer: worked on some movies, wrote a book. I’m long overdue for getting another book out into the world; and I’ve had a few ideas. But something has stopped me from doing those other things. A show. Before Angry Conversations…

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If a True Formula = Beautiful, Does a Beautiful Story = Formula?

Several years ago I attended Socrates in The City, a literary salon hosted by author Eric Metaxas (Bonhoeffer, Amazing Grace) and featuring many great Christian thinkers. The guest that evening was Rev. John Polkinghorne, a British theologian and physicist who was knighted for his role in discovering the quark. Talk about physics and my eyes glaze over, but Polkinghorne said something that stuck with me: When an equation is correct, mathematicians call it ‘beautiful.’ A…

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