Before Sunrise

It’s been an interesting Lent. My task was to look for joy—which doesn’t sound like a deprivation. But cynicism and disillusionment are easy for me; optimism and joy are hard. I didn’t take myself off of all social media, just Facebook. (It’s hard to find joy if you’re inundated with outrage, and it’s been a season of outrage.) Human events did not bring me joy, but nature did. The wet winter ended the drought and ushered…
Lent: A Hard Week for Joy
Last week was a hard one to write about, if my assignment has been to look for joy. There was the attack in London. Yes, there was great caring and bravery in the face of evil. But there was still evil. Then, the health care repeal loomed. The Koch brothers offered to financially reward lawmakers who voted for what the Kochs wanted – and punish those who voted against them. And it’s legal. I know that the…
Lent March 20 – Signs of Spring

I’m pretty sure the only way I’m able to keep up this Lenten Joy Search is that I’ve gone off Facebook and rarely read the news. Obviously, neither are long term solutions. Play Ostrich in The Sand long enough, and one day you’ll be brought before a tribunal and asked why you didn’t speak up about X. Come Easter Monday I may share a piece of my mind. But I’m biting my tongue until then. So, joy.…
Lent March 17 – Good News!

When I was a boy and would see scary things on the news, my mother would always tell me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” – Fred Rogers. Fasting from Facebook has muted the rage button. One can only hear so much insanity before one numbs out and starts reading Nietzsche. I met Branden Harvey in Nashville last summer. Branden started his Instagram with the express purpose of spreading joy instead of…